Happy Birthday Bocce and Lobster Treats Giveaway!

Happy 5th birthday to our little fuzzball friend, Bocce

In honor of Bocce's birthday, we are giving away one limited edition bag of Bocce's Bakery's Lobster Roll Treats! If you follow Shio's twitter, you'll already know that we love our Bocce's treats and it's only fair that we share our love with our readers!

Bocce's Bakery makes natural delectable human grade dog biscuits and wherever possible, their ingredients are locally sourced and organic! Best part is that this biscuit company is founded and run by two talented up and coming female entrepreneurs in NYC.

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment wishing Bocce a very happy birthday and tell us what you would be willing to do to win a bag of Bocce's Bakery's limited edition Lobster Roll treats. Wittiest entry wins and contest ends 11:59pm, May 24th. Winner will be chosen on May 25th. Limit one comment per person/dog.

Aaaaand.... go!


This morning I woke up and decided to make Hawaii Dog Bakery's special Woofles for our pups. We've heard about how amazing they are for months now and they have only recently started shipping outside of Hawaii but not to the East Coast yet. Luckily, they posted their recipe online in a video and we copied down the ingredients to make ourselves!

We don't own a waffle iron so I improvised by using our Ebelskiver pancake pan and use the cream cheese and sweet potato as stuffing instead of creating a Woofle sandwich. The result resembled something more like a cream puff and I love it. The only other difference was that we left out the All Purpose Flour and substituted with more Whole Wheat Flour and used rosemary, honey, kale as additional ingredients.

Shio and Emi couldn't be happier with the results.

Thanks Hawaii Dog Bakery!



Week 1 with Goo Goo


We're into week #3 with Goo Goo so I'm behind on our fostering updates. The only thing I want to do lately is lounge around with my Shibas. Overall, fostering has been a great experience. It took us a very long time to take the leap to open up our place to another dog especially with one whom we have little information on the history of. However, knowing that we would be saving a life made the decision much easier. Goo Goo came to us on Friday, 10/21 and we didn't know what to expect at all. We knew her name, that she was 11 months old, a black and tan female, and held in our email inbox a picture of her beautiful face. Word on the Shiba block was that she enjoyed being held like a baby. Everything else would be a surprise. And a surprise it was. We met outside a Brooklyn dog run and at 15 lbs, Goo Goo had a much tinier frame than I expected. Her fur was coarse and dry. She had a bald spot on the base of her tail where fleas decided to nest once upon a time. One thing that was hard to miss was that she was violently shaking with fear. She had just been spayed the day before and was terrified though her large brown eyes still held a doe-like innocence to her whole being.

The first night was spent trying to hide under any dark place that she could crawl under. This included pulling her out from under parked cars after she wedged herself next to the tire. We did everything we could to avoid carrying her so that we wouldn't pull on the stitches on her swollen abdomen. She was too afraid to eat. She was too afraid to pee or poop. She finally found quiet solace in our crate that was covered to give her the cave-like zen she craved. The only time her eyes lit up that night was when I presented Shio's meatloaf to her and she hungrily gobbled it up as if she hadn't eaten for days. That was the beginning of my bonding experience with her. Shio followed her around but kept a respectable distance away from her. Our hearts wept for her on that first night.

The second day, we brought her out to Long Island so that she could be in a place that mimicked her old suburban environment. She was still swollen and sore from her surgery but made the journey with us. Her whole fragile being stole the hearts of Kaiju's hudad and his human grandparents during our #twiba meet up. We rejoiced when she crouched down and peed in Kaiju's backyard. Her tail lifted into a fallen question mark shape unlike the last 24 hours where it hung limp from fear. Then she spent the rest of the day hiding under couches and cars again. Small steps.

On the third day, we spent time sitting outside with her so she would get used to the new outdoor noises that she would experience. She peed and pooped once each. We did a little dance to celebrate. She still hid in her crate but was more curious about her new environment. Slow and steady progress for this girl. Shio patiently waited outside her crate each morning for her to emerge - he's a champ.




Fast forward to the one week point, she was still scared while outside but noticeably less. She was very curious about her surroundings and had regular bathroom breaks. She let dogs sniff her and sniffed in return. Her stitches were almost fully healed and we went for our first vet visit. The vet praised her for being a great Shiba and gave her many treats. She started replying to Shio's desperate attempts to get her to play with play bows and chomping at his face. He loved it so much and could barely contain himself. She was excited to be fed, ate treats from anyone at the dog run, and wanted to be outside of her crate all the time to spend time with us in the living room. She even picked out a favorite spot on the couch to sleep in. Each time she saw me walking up towards her at the top of the stairs, she flattened her ears and jumped up to give me excited puppy kisses all over my face. It was a real transformation in just one week. Everything from here on forward was just to sit back and continue to watch her blossom. Oh, and she LOVES to be held like a baby, just like they said she would.

All this progress was made in just ONE week.

So far, this is an experience that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Thanksgiving Post

This year was our second Thanksgiving that we were able to spend with our little Shio! Last year we road tripped to Cape Cod and Newport. This year, we kept it local.

Here he is on Thanskgiving day running himself silly on a Fire Island beach:

Also found this sea creature and tried to put it in his mouth:

Then worked on digging his way back to Japan:

We ended the holiday weekend with trip to Prospect Park so Shio could run and play some more!

Meeting new friends:

Unfortunately, towards the end of the trip Shio started choking on his treat. He managed to cough it up (*phew*!) but not before I caught a picture of his "airplane" ears:

Shio's Home Baked Treats

I did it! I finally did it. I made homemade treats for Shio-san and he loves them! How do I know he loves them? He does his little play dance with the treat in front of him when we give one to him! It was a recipe that I threw together myself with random items in our kitchen, so we knew it would either be really good or really bad. I call it the OatPeaNanananaaaa Treats. The great thing about creating your own recipe is that you can dream up any obscure name that you want for the finished product! :)

OatPeaNanananaaaa Dog Treats Recipe

Makes ~10 dozen treats - you may want to reduce the portion size!

Dry Ingredients: 2 c wheat flour 2 c oatmeal 1/4 c chopped peanuts pinch of garlic powder pinch of cinnamon powder Wet Ingredients: 2 tbsp peanut butter 3 ripe bananananaaaaas pureed 1 egg beaten 2 tsp vanilla


-Preheat oven to 425 degrees -Mix all the dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl and make a well in the center -Whisk all the wet ingredients together -Then add the wet mix into the large mixing bowl with dry ingredients and knead with your hands until you have a doughy texture. Add water, 1 tsp at a time, if needed - Roll the dough into 1/2 or 1 inch logs (your preference) and slice into 1/2 inch pieces. - Place these on baking sheets and put in oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes - Take the treats out of the oven and cool for 10 minutes before serving - Store in an airtight container