Good Friday Weekend (Part 1 of 3)

We took the shibas to Washington DC this past weekend to see the cherry blossoms! To start off our trip, we walked the pups to the new Squibb Park Bridge that connects the Brooklyn Bridge Park to the Promenade. It's a long winding bridge that was newly built and we were very excited to explore it. Can you believe the views of lower Manhattan that we can get from Brooklyn?

Next we headed out Friday afternoon for a 5 hour drive to Washington DC. We found a nice hotel that accommodates dogs in the Foggy Bottom area. Naturally being the cat-like creatures that shibas are, Shio hopped onto the window ledge to watch the world below and Emi followed suit.  The area immediate to the hotel was quaint and quiet with little row houses but once you walked to the main area, it was very busy! We met two very nice shibas at the nearby dog run!

We were also very close to the Georgetown waterfront so we walked over there to enjoy the views and the beautiful weather. Both shibas were fawned over by many children and adults. Shio loved all the attention and Emi was a brave little shiba who didn't run away like she used to. We're very proud of the social progress that both of our aloof shibas made while we were in the heavily pedestrian trafficked Georgetown shopping center.

More to come...!

Photos taken with Fuji X-E1 with XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4.